The astrology of the AntiChrist

by antonwrathic

I cannot and will not reveal my sources for this information but I swear before God and the Devil and all between that it is true, 100% true and verified.

As I mentioned earlier, the Antichrist was born on earth to a mortal woman and man on April 14th 1979 somewhere in the rural northwest United States.

His astrological birth chart reveals that he is an unusual triple fire sign. He is Aries with a Leo rising and the moon in Scorpio. He bears all three marks of fire written in the stars and foretold in the most secret prophecies as of yet unrevealed to all. His final scourge of earth will be in fire.

Aries is the sign of the Ram, Leo the sign of the Lion and Scorpio of course the scorpion. The rising of Leo over Aries puts the ram in opposition to the Lion which wouldn’t make much sense unless you know that he is also born under the sign of the Goat in Chinese astrology which is much older and some say much more accurate than western astrology. If the Goat represents Satan and it does, then the Lion represents Christ, the Lion of Judah. The Antichrist is born under the signs of the goat in opposition to the Lion under the terror of the scorpion sting, mentioned in Revelations.

He also bears the strange mark of Venus and Mercury both in Pisces. Some say this symbolizes the common man and woman drowned under the weight of mystery. There is much more to be revealed in the astrology of the Antichrist but I have much more research and fact checking to do.